Hobkirk Sewing Machines

Spirit 5 Temporary Adhesive Spray 500ml

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Valid until 31/01/2025
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Please Note: This is an age restricted product, you must be over the age of 18 to purchase.

SPIRIT 5 STRONG is a new, even more effective formula of SPIRIT 5 - temporary adhesive spray of stronger sticking effect. It facilitates multiple repositioning. It is used for temporary sticking of fabric, paper, light cardboards and plastics to other surfaces. It enables multiple joining and separating of elements without risk of adhesive shifting from one surface to the other. It is widely used for textile industry for fastening of: printed elements of clothing [serigraphy], patterns during cutting or drawing. It indispensables in series production for fastening of elements before final mounting. It precious for artists [designing collages].

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