Click & Collect
'Click and Collect' is now available
Order online, pay 20% deposit and the balance instore
How does it work?
Add products to your shopping basket and proceed to Checkout.
At Checkout please choose 'Collect in Store' for the 'Shipping method'.
You will be required to pay 20% of your order total
shown below at 'Pay a 20% deposit online'
Click on the Checkout button to proceed through checkout and payment.
You will receive an order confirmation by email.
When we receive your order we will contact you to let you know when your purchase is
ready for collection. Please wait until we contact you before making your journey.
When collecting please provide a copy of your order with your order number
(This can be an email order confirmation on your mobile or a paper copy)
You will then be asked to pay the balance of the order.
Please note: Fabrics are cut to order, we are unable to refund
any deposit for fabric cancellations once your order has been processed.
Horn Sewing Cabinets and Horn products are not available for 'Click and Collect'