Please look at the tables below and identify which category your sewing machine is in, either A, B, C or D.
Each foot, accessory and attachment will be clearly labelled with a category letter. If an item has no category letter then it will state which model it fits.
If you are not sure which items are compatible with your machine, call our team in the shop on 01254 693555, quote your model number and we will provide you with the relevant information.
Janome Sewing and Embroidery Machine Model Category Identification Table:
The cover hem stitch is used by professionals as a hemming method. With the right attachments, you can use it to add lace or trim to a hem, fold fabric in a hem automatically, and make a perfect wrapped edge.
The fagoting guide keeps fabrics separated while creating lacy fagoting effects and finishing touches with a coverhem. Must be used with Chain Stitch Foot (200803306)
This guide folds perfect 6mm (1/4 inch) edges. At the same moment it's hemming, it attaches lace or trim placed underneath. Must be used with Cover Hem Foot (200801304)
The Pintuck Guide lifts the fabric into a tuck and easily creates a corded look without the need for cording. Must be used with Pintuck Foot K (200802202)
The adjustable seam guide is used to give consistent spacing between rows of decorative stitching and can also be used to guide the edge of your seam allowance.
A perfect addition to the CoverPro the hemming guide folds over a consistent width of fabric, making it easy to form hems, cuffs and other finished edges.